Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day Nine: Productive Rehash

Wordcount: 15522
Minimum: 15516

In today's story, Pitt and Farrowell continue their conversation. This ended up being pretty much just a rehash of the plot so far, in the characters' own words. This was both revealing of character, and very easy to write! I think the character development side of things should get easier after this. Also, I now feel like there is sufficient padding since the last big event that I can move on to the next big event. This is good.

In other news, I went out for dinner and drinks tonight with the coworkers I left behind in San Francisco. They are so great. We ate at a place called The Monk's Kettle, which has a simply bewildering array of beers available. I had a lamb burger, which was pretty good, though not excellent. I tried to have a blackcurrant cider, but they were out, so I had a fancy hefeweizen instead. Viva la chick beers. Anyway, it was awesome to hang out with that crew. Among them was Case, who is also, he says, doing NaNo, although his wordcount is sadly lagging. Get on it, Case-man!

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